Crispin's Books

Oak Mot (1991)

Wherein all action takes place on the Virgin American prairie around the year 1868, save for the end which takes place in the year 1926.

Oak Mot is a tale of epic proportions involving pride and prejudice.

Rat Catching (1999)

A study in the art of rat catching.

Concrete Inspection (1992)

A manual of information and instructions for inspectors with standard and typical specifications.

Round my house (2016)

A story with a happy ending, through the perspective of a man's writings about his trial and errors, whose thoughts and intentions many find questionable.

What is it, and how it is done (1995)

Told in 3 parts - The Betrothed, What is it, and how it is done, A son of mother

Crispin is now writing a book about the propaganda
in which he will directly address the situation with "Back to the future".